Agenda for Monthly Meetings

Date:  check website calendar (click here) for date of next meeting 

Below is the format that every meeting will follow

Monthly email reminders will be sent out highlighing the imporatant topics of the month

INTRODUCTION State Officers, Guest Speakers, New and prospective members

  1. Call to Order ◆
  2. Warden’s report – Membership Cards
  3. Opening Prayer – Chaplin ◆◆◆
  4. Pledge of Allegiance
  5. Roll call of Officers – Recording Secratary ◆◆ (officers remain standing) ◆(officers sit)
  6. Reading of Minutes – Recording Secratary – (Motion to accept minutes from previous meeting)◆
  7. Membership Director Report
    • Application, Balloting for Membership and/or Initiations
    • Recruitment and/or Degrees
  8. Grand Knights Report
    • Communications
    • Certificates
    • Dates to Remember – (click here)
  9. Chaplin’s Report – ◆◆◆
  10. Treasurer’s Report
    • Council’s Operating Account
    • Scholarship Account
  11. Financial Secretary’s Report
    • Current Membership – Add, Transfer, Suspended
    • Membership Dues Report – Update
    • Income & Expenses
    • (Motion to accept Financial Secretary’s report) ◆
  12. Program Director Report of Service Activities Committees – Deputy Grand Knight
      1. Church Activities
        • Church of the Assumption – Advocate
        • St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Chancellor
      2. Fr. McGivney Guild 
      3. Rose for Mother Baptism –
        • Our Lady of Perpetual Help
        • St Elizabeth Ann Seton
      4. Wake Service
      • Youth Ministry Scholarship Report
      • Veterans Assistance Program
        • Activities Flags for Forgotten Solders
        • Veterans Home
      • Italian Festival
      • Annual Golf Tournament 
  13. Unfinished Business 
  14. New Business 
  15. Fourth Degree Report 
  16. Chapter Report – Grand Knight
  17. Field Agent’s Report 
  18. District Deputy Report   ◆◆◆
  19. Good of the Order –  Lecturer 
  20. Sick or in distress
  21. Closing Prayer ◆◆◆
  22. Adjourn
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