Upcoming Events

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Knights of Columbus

Supports Life

Below is a list of Masses
that we are having said for aborted babies.
Remember them in your prayers

Click on a link for church location

Knights of the Month

Several Knights were honored this month for their leadership roles in last month’s Italian Festival.  Pictured above: Tom Pograncy, Frank Weir, Thomas Kohler, Kevin McCarty, John DeMarco, & Matt Simons.  Missing were Chris Seher and Dominick Centrone.

Thank you!

Congratulations Villa Marie

Star Council Award

We're Knights
Why Aren't You?
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Flag Installs

Rain Date is the following day

John DeMarco will send out emails with times (usually start at 10AM), dates, meeting places, car pool locations etc., a week before the install.

Usually Charlie Lott and Hap Stanwood pick up all the Flags, supplies and banners at the Ann Seton shed. If you wish to help them please contact them first.

John is looking for help to coordinate this much needed program in the future.
Please call him at 973 229 4211.
or email him at jadbklyn@gmail.com

God willing he will care for all of us and bless the work we are doing. Please pray that this suicide crisis will end soon.

Flag Install

October 10 in Brigantine

Golf Tournament 2024

Be a sponsor or
register a foursome

Monday November 4

What do we do? Check it out

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Flag Installs reminding us of the imporatance of our Veterans

Spring to Fall

Participants in Absecon's
Memorial Day Parade

Our biggest fund raiser,
the Italian Festival at Historic Smithville

Next Festival September 27, 2025

Running the refreshment stand at Absecon's Filed of Dreams

Two Saturdays per year

Participants in Galloway's
4th of July Parade

Supporting St Elizabeth Ann Seton's
May Procession

Sponsor an annual 8th grade spelling bee at Assumption Regional Catholic School

Our newest fundraiser:   
Cornhole Tournament

Participation in 9-11 ceremonies

Our support for Life and the Family is more than just during pregnancy

Supporting the hierarchy of the Knights of Columbus

Promoting the true meaning of Christmas

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinners

Monthly recoginition of outstanding Knights

Instrumental in supplying
Pro Life Bus trips

Distribute free winter coats for kids every November

Supporting Veteran's Day

Sponsor Semiannual  Blood Drives

Semiannual Pancake Breakfasts supporting parochial school scholarships

Participation in St Elizabeth Ann Seton's annual Corpus Christi
Eucharistic Procession

Putting our ProLife beliefs in action- each October will display 2,500 pink & blue flags symbolizing the number of babies that are aborted everyday

Supporting the Priests of our Diocese at the annual Pride in Priest Dinner

We participate at every baptism,
presenting the family with a Children's Bible and a rose for the mother.

We're Involved / Please Join Us

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